CM Spa: the value of Made in Italy

Working with Made in Italy creativity means putting our experience into play, managing to integrate sinks and accessories even within "over the top" environments.

If we do not bring forward solutions full of creativity, our point of view will be taken for granted and, consequently, so will our kitchens. Can we always remain neutral? Do we have the possibility of not going unbalanced and remaining "sitting on all the chairs"?

For CM Spa, creating furnishing products with a view to valorizing Made in Italy does not mean adapting to what is obvious or "market" but exploring new horizons, daring new colors, exciting with environments that speak of those who live there or who will live there, make you dream!

Can we say that an accessory or a sink remains in the background in the design of a kitchen? Absolutely not. Working with Made in Italy creativity means putting our experience into play, managing to integrate sinks and accessories even within "over the top" environments. This is why the colors proposed to promote our Granitgem sinks were inspired by the colors of the earth and why we dared to include them in unusual kitchen colors.

Each generation and historical time have been distinguished by a style. Recreating things already seen limits the ability we Italians have to launch creativity in fashion, design and art. The chromatic sphere is infinite, just as the possible combinations are infinite, but the final harmony created must be unique: we appreciated this in many brands at the Eurocucina 2024 event.

The elegance of knowing how to propose innovation inevitably distinguishes us, good taste in combining a neutral color with emotional and lively colors is not for everyone. However, those who dare to do so require the client to have a new look, capable of going beyond the concept of "single nuance" by looking at creativity. Only by doing this will it be possible to have homes that are increasingly original and full of personality: truly Made in Italy environments.

We wish planners and designers to have this look towards new colors, alternative materials... we hope they put their heart into it!